¿Cómo se crea un contacto secundario KT1 con su dirección TZ?
¿Québilleteraestás usando?ver carteras disponibles aquí: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016057774-Tezos-XTZ-What wallet are you using? see available wallets here: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016057774-Tezos-XTZ-
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- 2019-11-25
- joschua011
1 respuesta
- votos
- 2019-12-01
Asegúrese de hacer unaprueba yenviar solo unapequeña cantidad de Tezospara asegurarse detenerel control del contratointeligente. Una vez que confirme quepuedeenviar y recibir Tezos del contratointeligente,envíeel resto. No hiceeso y ahora Staking Facilitiestiene el control del contratointeligente yestoyesperando queme envíenel XTZ.
Paso 1) Descargueel scripten el directorio de Tezos
curl -O https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/mi-cho-coq/raw/master/src/contracts/manager.tz
Paso 2) crea un aliaspara la dirección detz1baker
Paso 3) cree un contratointeligente haciendo queelgerente sea USTED MISMO conel comando --Init y delegando alpanadero conel comando --delegate
./tezos-client originan contrato 'SMART CONTRACT ALIAS'transfiriendo 1 de 'ALIAS USED FOR YOUR TZ1 ADDRESS'ejecutando "$ (catmanager.tz)" --init '"TZ1ADDRESS OF YOUR TZ1 MANAGER"' -burn-cap 0.489 -panadero 'ALIAS-USTED-ELIGE-PARA-BAKER-IN-STEP1'
curl -O https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/mi-cho-coq/raw/master/src/contracts/manager.tz
< went2)×
./tezos-client agregar dirección STAKINGFACILITIEStz1WpeqFaBG9Jm73Dmgqamy8eF8NWLz9JCoY
./tezos-client origina contrato DELEGATOR1transfiriendo 1 desde MACK-1ejecutando "$ (catmanager.tz)" --init '"tz1b7YSEeNRqgmjuX4d4aiai2sQTF4A7WBZf"' --burn-cap 0.489 --baker STAKINGFACILITIES
Be sure to do a test run and only send a small amount of Tezos to make sure you have control of the smart contract. Once you confirm you can send and receive Tezos from the smart contract, send the rest. I didn't do that and now Staking facilities is in control of the smart contract and I am waiting for them to send the XTZ back to me.
Step 1) Download the script to Tezos directory
curl -O https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/mi-cho-coq/raw/master/src/contracts/manager.tz
Step 2) create an alias for the tz1 baker address
Step 3) create a smart contract making the manager YOURSELF with the --Init command and delegating to the baker with the --delegate command
./tezos-client originate contract 'SMART CONTRACT ALIAS' transferring 1 from 'ALIAS USED FOR YOUR TZ1 ADDRESS' running "$(cat manager.tz)" --init '"TZ1ADDRESS OF YOUR TZ1 MANAGER"' --burn-cap 0.489 --baker 'ALIAS-YOU-CHOSE-FOR-BAKER-IN-STEP1'
curl -O https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/mi-cho-coq/raw/master/src/contracts/manager.tz
./tezos-client add address STAKINGFACILITIES tz1WpeqFaBG9Jm73Dmgqamy8eF8NWLz9JCoY
./tezos-client originate contract DELEGATOR1 transferring 1 from MACK-1 running "$(cat manager.tz)" --init '"tz1b7YSEeNRqgmjuX4d4aiai2sQTF4A7WBZf"' --burn-cap 0.489 --baker STAKINGFACILITIES
¿Estás seguro?No creo que "originate contract" acepte una opción "--baker".Are you sure? I don't believe `originate contract` accepts a `--baker` option.
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- 2019-12-01
- Tom
Sí,pruébalo.Lo hice dos veces ayerYes, it does, give it a try. I did it twice yesterday
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- 2019-12-02
- Mack Baise
Unanota,paramí y los demás,la opción "panadero" yano se acepta,debe utilizar "delegar"en su lugar.Además,asegúrese deponer '"Dirección TZ1"',con dospuntos ypunto y comaen ambos lados o obtendrá unerrorA note, for myself and others, the "baker" option is no longer accepted, you must use "delegate" instead. Also, make sure to put '"TZ1 address"', with colon and semicolon on both sides or you will get an error
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- 2020-01-15
- Mack Baise
Quierotener varias direcciones KT1en una dirección TZ (libromayor)para delegaren variaspersonas