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- 2019-03-08
Publicando la respuesta de redditpor BakeTzForMe:
Desafortunadamente,estoes una realidadpara lospanaderos (patrocinadores) desdeeltiempo atiempo. Engeneral,existen varias causasposiblespara que suceda algo comoesto,queincluye,entre otros:
El reloj de sunodoesincorrecto,por lo que aunque cree que lo aprobóen elmomento correcto,fue demasiadotarde o demasiadotemprano.
Su conexión a la red de Tezostuvo unproblema onoestababien conectada,geográficamente hablando,y como resultadono recibió elbloque anterior lo suficientementeprontopara verificarlo y respaldarlo,y luegotambién propagar su respaldo através de la red alpanadero que lo hanincluidoen subloque.
Sunodoestá usando un disco duroen lugar de SSD,estaba almáximo con la E/S del disco ynopudo recibir,verificar y respaldarelbloque rápidamente suficiente. Estoesespecialmentemásprobable que ocurra al comienzo de una nuevo ciclo.
Tengaen cuenta queestosmismosproblemaspodríanestar alfinal delpanadero. En otra palabras,podría haber hechotodobien por suparte,peropor razonesfuera de su control,elpanaderono recibió su respaldo atiempoparaincluirloen elbloque que hornearon.
Eneste casoespecífico,supongo queelproblemaestáen lapanadería final.
Posting the reddit answer by BakeTzForMe:
Unfortunately this is a fact of life for bakers (endorsers) from time to time. In general, there are a number of possible causes for something like this happening, including, but not limited to:
Your node's clock is wrong so even though it thinks it endorsed at the correct time, it was too late or too early.
Your connection to the Tezos network had a hiccup or wasn't well connected, geographically speaking, and as a result you didn't receive the previous block soon enough to verify and endorse it, and then also propagate your endorsement across the network to the baker who would have included it in their block.
Your node is using a hard drive instead of SSD, and was maxed out with disk IO and couldn't receive, verify, and endorse the block fast enough. This is especially more likely to happen at the beginning of a new cycle.
Note that these same issues could be on the end of the baker. In other words, you could have done everything right on your end, but for reasons beyond your control the baker didn't receive your endorsement in time to include it in the block they baked.
In this specific case, I would guess that the issue is on the baker's end.
- 2019-03-12
Estapregunta se hizo originalmenteen r/Tezos donde Respondí con lo siguiente:
Desafortunadamente,estoes una realidadpara lospanaderos (patrocinadores) de vezen cuando. Engeneral,existen varias causasposiblespara que suceda algo comoesto,queincluyen,entre otras:
- El reloj de sunodoesincorrecto,por lo que aunque cree que lo aprobóen elmomento correcto,fue demasiadotarde o demasiadotemprano.
- Su conexión a la red de Tezostuvo unproblema onoestababien conectada,geográficamente hablando,y como resultadono recibióelbloque anterior lo suficientementeprontopara verificarlo y respaldarlo,y luegopropagar su respaldo através de red alpanadero que lo habríaincluidoen subloque.
- Sunodoestá usando un disco duroen lugar de SSD,yestaba almáximo con la E/S de disco ynopudo recibir,verificar y respaldarelbloque lo suficientemente rápido. Estoesespecialmentemásprobable que suceda al comienzo de unnuevo ciclo.
Tengaen cuenta queestosmismosproblemaspodríanestar alfinal delpanadero. En otraspalabras,podría haber hechotodobien por suparte,peropor razones queescapan a su control,elpanaderono recibió su respaldo atiempoparaincluirloen elbloque que hornearon.
En este casoespecífico ,supongo queelproblemaestáen elextremo delpanadero.
This question was originally asked on r/Tezos where I replied with the following:
Unfortunately this is a fact of life for bakers (endorsers) from time to time. In general, there are a number of possible causes for something like this happening, including, but not limited to:
- Your node's clock is wrong so even though it thinks it endorsed at the correct time, it was too late or too early.
- Your connection to the Tezos network had a hiccup or wasn't well connected, geographically speaking, and as a result you didn't receive the previous block soon enough to verify and endorse it, and then also propagate your endorsement across the network to the baker who would have included it in their block.
- Your node is using a hard drive instead of SSD, and was maxed out with disk IO and couldn't receive, verify, and endorse the block fast enough. This is especially more likely to happen at the beginning of a new cycle.
Note that these same issues could be on the end of the baker. In other words, you could have done everything right on your end, but for reasons beyond your control the baker didn't receive your endorsement in time to include it in the block they baked.
In this specific case, I would guess that the issue is on the baker's end.
- 2019-03-10
Enprincipio,estaes una situaciónnormal cuando,de vezen cuando,elpanaderopuedefallar 1bloque.Sipierde algunos seguidos,significa quetiene unproblema.Sepuede omitir 1bloque debido a varias razones,como unafalla de velocidad de Internet a cortoplazo
In principle, this is a normal situation when from time to time the Baker can miss 1 block . If you miss a few in a row it means that you have a problem. 1 block can be skipped due to a number of reasons, such as a short-term Internet speed failure
Así queme perdí un respaldo yfui a verificar ytodopareceestarbien:elnodofunciona,elendosanteinyectado.Extraño ... luego hago clicen elnivel y solomuestra dosendososen la cuadrículaen laparteinferior derecha.Normalmente,elnúmeroesmuchomayor.Estoypensando queestofue un aumento de la reden lugar demi configuración.¿Quépudo haber causadoesto?