¿Solo el 60% de las recompensas que hace un panadero se distribuye a sus delegadores?
También henotado queesteporcentajeeramayor cuandoelpanadero comenzó a operar y haido disminuyendo coneltiempo.I've noticed also that this percentage was higher when the baker started operating and has been decreasing along time.
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- 2019-03-26
- Luiz Milfont
1 respuesta
- votos
- 2019-03-26
También debeteneren cuentael saldo (evaluado) delpanaderoen la direccióntz1,quetambiéngenera recompensas,pero queno seindicanen lapestaña de recompensas.En lapestaña de recompensas,solo semuestran las direcciones KT1 de los delegadores.Noes raro que unpanaderoposeael 40% de laparticipacióntotal,por lo queno creo que hayanada sospechoso aquí.
Los delegados siempre reciben recompensasen relación con la cantidad delegada alpanadero,noen relación con laparticipacióntotal.
You also need to take into account the (evaluated) balance of the baker on the tz1 address, which also generates rewards, but which are not stated under the rewards tab. Under the rewards tab, only the KT1 addresses of the delegators are shown. It is not uncommon for a baker to own 40% of the total stake, so I don't think there is anything suspicious here.
Delegators always receive rewards in relation to their amount delegated to the baker, not in relation to the total stake.
Si.La dudano setrata de sospechar algunairregularidad,sino de comprenderelproceso.He visto que deltotal de recompensas que obtiene unpanadero,solo unporcentaje se distribuyeentre los delegadores.Deseo saber cómo se calculaesto.Yeah. The doubt is not about suspecting any wrongdoings, but to understand the process. I've seen that of the total rewards made by a baker, only a percentage goes for distribution along delegators. I wish to know how this is calculated.
- 1
- 2019-03-26
- Luiz Milfont
Parael cálculo delporcentaje,divide la cantidad delegada de cada delegadorporel saldototal departicipaciónen instantáneas 100. Porejemplo,si asumes que "x"es la cantidad delegada,"y"el saldototal departicipaciónen instantánea y "z"la recompensaporcentual del delegador,entonces lafórmulaes (x/y) * 100=zFor the percentage calculation you divide the delegated amount of each delegator by the total staking balance at snapshot times 100. For instance, if you assume "x" is the delegated amount, "y" the total staking balance at snapshot, and "z" the percentage reward of the delegator, then the formula is (x/y)*100=z
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- 2019-03-26
- cryptodad
Ok,loentiendo.Pero,¿cómo calcularelporcentaje deltotal de recompensas que se va a repartir (eneste caso,64,18%) yelporcentaje que se queda conelpanadero (eneste caso 35,82%)?Enelejemplo anterior,elpanaderoganó untotal de 12 XTZen recompensas.Pero solo 7,82fueronpara ser distribuidos a los delegadores y 4,18 se quedaron conelpanadero.¿Cuáles lafórmulapara obteneresosporcentajes?Ok, I understand that. But how to calc the percentage of the total rewards that is going to be distributed (in this case, 64.18%) and the percent that stays with the baker (in this case 35,82%)? In the example above, the baker made a total of 12 XTZ in rewards. But only 7,82 went to be distributed to delegators and 4,18 stayed with the baker. What is the formula to get those percentages?
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- 2019-03-26
- Luiz Milfont
Es lamismafórmula.Divideesas recompensasporeltotal de recompensasmultiplicadopor 100.It's the same formula. You divide those rewards by the total rewards times 100.
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- 2019-03-26
- cryptodad
Okay.Pero deesamaneraestá logrando un resultadobasadoen lainformación que leentregó la red.Estás averiguandoelpaquete complementario.Mi dudaes: ¿Existe unafórmula que utilice la redpara determinarestaproporción de 64-36%?¿Cómo decide que distribuiráel 64%en un ciclo?(¿yel 90%en otro?)Ok. But that way you are achieving a result based on information that was delivered by the network to you. You are finding out the complement parcel. My doubt is: Is there a formula the network uses to determine this 64-36% ratio? How it decides it will distribute 64% in a cycle? (and 90% in another one?)
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- 2019-03-26
- Luiz Milfont
No creo que haya unaproporcióntanfija.La relaciónes la cantidad delegada versus la cantidad apostadaporelpanadero.Es simplementematemática,nadaestá "decidido".En suejemplo,el 64% de la cantidadtotal apostada se delega yel 36%espropiedad delpanadero.I don't think there is such a fixed ratio. The ratio is the delegated amount versus the amount staked by the baker. It's just simple math, nothing is "decided". In your example, 64% of the total staked amount are delegated and 36% are owned by the baker.
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- 2019-03-26
- cryptodad
¡Oh ya veo!Gracias.No conocíaesa relación.Entonces,la recompensatotal obtenida se comparteentreelpanadero y los delegadores,peroproporcional a suparticipación,¿verdad?Oh, I see! Thanks. I did not know that relation. So the total reward made is shared between the baker and delegators, but proportional to their participation, is that right?
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- 2019-03-26
- Luiz Milfont
Sí,esoes correcto.Yes, that's right.
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- 2019-03-26
- cryptodad
¡Muchasgraciasportu amabilidad ypaciencia!Thanks a lot for your kindness and patience!
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- 2019-03-26
- Luiz Milfont
Según TzScan.io,en la PESTAÑA "recompensas",si sumamos losporcentajes de la columna "Compartir",obtenemos siempre un valorinferior al 100%.Megustaríaentender cómo se distribuyen lasganancias de unpanadero a sus delegados.¿Es correcto asumir un aprox.¿Relación del 40-60% de lo que quedaparaelpanadero y lo que se distribuye como recompensa a sus delegadores?