¿Cómo obtener un nombre de término de taxonomía por la babosa?
¿quieres crear unenlace,título,???are you wanting to create a link, title, ???
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- 2011-05-05
3 respuestas
- votos
- 2011-05-05
Lafunción queestábuscandoes
.Lo usaría comotal:<?php $term = get_term_by('slug', 'my-term-slug', 'category'); $name = $term->name; ?>
Esto da como resultado que
sea un objeto que contiene lo siguiente:term_id name slug term_group term_taxonomy_id taxonomy description parent count
El códice hace ungrantrabajo alexplicarestafunción: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_term_by
The function you are looking for is
. You would use it as such:<?php $term = get_term_by('slug', 'my-term-slug', 'category'); $name = $term->name; ?>
This results in
being an object containing the following:term_id name slug term_group term_taxonomy_id taxonomy description parent count
The codex does a great job explaining this function: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_term_by
me adelantaste.Estoesexactamente lo que haría.you beat me to it. This is exactly what i would do to.
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- 2011-05-05
¿Quépasa sinotienes lababosa detaxonomía?What if you don't have the taxonomy slug?
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- 2017-05-07
- EkoJR
Puede usar `get_term ($term_id);` si solotiene el ID.You can use `get_term( $term_id );` if you only have the ID.
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- 2020-07-11
- Gavin
- 2017-05-07
Estoproporciona una respuesta cuando la taxonomíanoestá disponible oes desconocida .
Enmi caso,al usar get_term_by ,hubo algunos casosen los queera soloeltérmino Slug (sinidentificación detérmino otaxonomía). Lo queme trajo aquí. Sinembargo,la respuestaproporcionadano resolviómi problema.
// We want to find the ID to this slug. $term_slug = 'foo-bar'; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax_type_key => $taxonomy ) { // If term object is returned, break out of loop. (Returns false if there's no object) if ( $term_object = get_term_by( 'slug', $term_slug , $taxonomy ) ) { break; } } $term_id = $term_object->name; echo 'The Term ID is: ' . $term_id . '<br>'; var_dump( $term_object );
The Term ID is: 32 object(WP_Term) public 'term_id' => int 32 public 'name' => string 'Example Term' public 'slug' => string 'example-term' public 'term_group' => int 0 public 'term_taxonomy_id' => int 123 public 'taxonomy' => string 'category' public 'description' => string '' public 'parent' => int 0 public 'count' => int 23 public 'filter' => string 'raw'
De la siguientemanera,el concepto obtiene unamatriz de
,recorre lamatriz y,siget_term_by()
devuelve una coincidencia,inmediatamente sale de lamatriz.foreach loop.Nota: Intentébuscar unmétodopara obtener lataxonomía asociada (ID o Slug) de Term Slug,pero desafortunadamentenopuedoencontrarnada disponibleen WordPress.
This provides an answer when the taxonomy is unavailable/unknown.
In my case, when using get_term_by, there were some instances where there was only the Term Slug ( No Term ID or Taxonomy ). Which led me here. However, the answer provided didn't quite resolve my issue.
Solution for empty
// We want to find the ID to this slug. $term_slug = 'foo-bar'; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax_type_key => $taxonomy ) { // If term object is returned, break out of loop. (Returns false if there's no object) if ( $term_object = get_term_by( 'slug', $term_slug , $taxonomy ) ) { break; } } $term_id = $term_object->name; echo 'The Term ID is: ' . $term_id . '<br>'; var_dump( $term_object );
The Term ID is: 32 object(WP_Term) public 'term_id' => int 32 public 'name' => string 'Example Term' public 'slug' => string 'example-term' public 'term_group' => int 0 public 'term_taxonomy_id' => int 123 public 'taxonomy' => string 'category' public 'description' => string '' public 'parent' => int 0 public 'count' => int 23 public 'filter' => string 'raw'
As follows, the concept gets an array of
, loops through the array, and IFget_term_by()
returns a match, it then immediately breaks out of the foreach loop.Note: I tried searching for a method to get the associated taxonomy ( ID or Slug ) from Term Slug, but unfortunately I am unable to find anything available in WordPress.
- 2019-01-03
Creé unafunción y la uso una y otra vez según seanecesario.
function helper_get_taxonomy__by_slug($term_slug){ $term_object = ""; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_type_key => $taxonomy) { // If term object is returned, break out of loop. (Returns false if there's no object); if ($term_object = get_term_by('slug', $term_slug, $taxonomy)) { break; }else{ $term_object = "Warn! Helper taxonomy not found."; } } return $term_object; }
thanks, this worked for me.
I created a function and use it again and again as needed.
function helper_get_taxonomy__by_slug($term_slug){ $term_object = ""; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_type_key => $taxonomy) { // If term object is returned, break out of loop. (Returns false if there's no object); if ($term_object = get_term_by('slug', $term_slug, $taxonomy)) { break; }else{ $term_object = "Warn! Helper taxonomy not found."; } } return $term_object; }
Debe devolver losmismostipos queget_term_by: (WP_Term| array| false)instancia de WP_Term (omatriz)en caso de éxito.Devolveráfalso si $taxonomynoexiste ono seencontró $term.You should return the same types as get_term_by: (WP_Term|array|false) WP_Term instance (or array) on success. Will return false if $taxonomy does not exist or $term was not found.
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- 2020-05-25
- xnagyg
Si conozco untérmino detaxonomía slug,¿cómopuedo obtenerelnombre deesetérmino?