¿Cuáles son las extensiones y bibliotecas de PHP que WP necesita y / o usa?
¿Sabe que hay unerror de SSLen su sitio (https://queryposts.com/)?Do you aware that there is a SSL error on your site(https://queryposts.com/) ?
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- 2018-07-19
- I am the Most Stupid Person
@IamtheMostStupidPersongracias,la renovación automática del certificado habíafallado allípor alguna razón,debería arreglarse ahora.@IamtheMostStupidPerson thank you, automated certificate renewal had failed there for some reason, should be fixed now.
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- 2018-07-19
- Rarst
No sepreocupe,es Let's Encrypt.noes?Pensé que se renovaría automáticamente ... En caso de queno se renueve automáticamente como su caso,¿quépodemos hacer?No worries, It is Let's Encrypt. isn't? I thought it automatically renew... In case if it isn't automatically renew as your case, what can we do?
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- 2018-07-19
- I am the Most Stupid Person
El soporte de alojamiento de @IamtheMostStupidPerson lo había restablecido (se configuró através de suintegración),normalmente se renueva automáticamenteparamí.@IamtheMostStupidPerson hosting support had reset it (it was set up through their integration), it does normally renew automatically for me.
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- 2018-07-19
- Rarst
Extremadamente difícil deencontrar,pero hay una recomendación oficial: https://make.wordpress.org/hosting/handbook/handbook/server-environment/#php-extensionsExtremely hard to find, but there is an official recommendation: https://make.wordpress.org/hosting/handbook/handbook/server-environment/#php-extensions
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- 2018-11-06
- aidanh010
10 respuestas
- votos
- 2012-02-13
Pensé unpocomásen esto y dadoeltamaño de labase de código de WP (incluidas lasbibliotecasincluidas),noparecemuy realista compilar dicha lista amano (y repetirlapara cadanueva versión,meh).
Busqué la herramienta de análisis de códigoestático adecuada: PHP_CompatInfo y después de algunos retoquesgeneradosel siguienteinforme deextensiones utilizadasporelnúcleo (versiónescaneada 3.3.1):
cURL - 127 usos (requiere libcurl )
- API HTTP (clase
) url_is_accessable_via_ssl()
SimplePie(anulado con la claseWP_SimplePie_File
) -
GoogleSpell(delpaquete TinyMCE,¿no se utiliza?)
- API HTTP (clase
Fecha/Hora - 367 usos
DOM - 6 usos (requiere libxml )
POSIX Regex - 23 usos
Filtro - 2 usos
- clase
- clase
FTP - 72 usos
- clase
- class
(versiones pure y sockets ) - clase
- clase
- clase
GD - 56 usos
Hash - 6 usos
usosmúltiples (opcional - respaldoenwp-includes\compat.php
iconv - 5 usos
- clase
(opcional) -
(opcional) -
- clase
JSON : 20 usos
- opcionales,alternativasen
- opcionales,alternativasen
libxml - 4 usos
- clase
(opcional) - SimplePie
- clase
Cadenamultibyte - 29 usos
- alguna reservaen
- alguna reservaen
MySQL - 60 usos
- clase
class(anulado con la claseSimplePie_Cache
- clase
OpenSSL - 4 usos
- clase
- clase
PCRE - 743 usos
SimpleXML - 1 usos
- class
(parece opcional)
- class
Sockets - 64 usos
- class
(implementación desockets
- class
SPL - 3 usos
Tokenizer - 3 usos
Analizador XML - 89 usos
XMLReader - 1 usos
- SimplePie (parece opcional)
Zlib - 30 usos
I gave this some more thought and given size of WP code base (including bundled libraries) it doesn't seem very realistic to compile such list by hand (and repeat it for every new version - meh).
I looked up appropriate static code analysis tool - PHP_CompatInfo and after some tinkering generated following report of extensions used by core (version scanned 3.3.1):
cURL - 127 uses (requires libcurl)
- HTTP API (class
) url_is_accessable_via_ssl()
SimplePie(overridden with classWP_SimplePie_File
)GoogleSpell(from TinyMCE package, is not used?)
- HTTP API (class
Date/Time - 367 uses
DOM - 6 uses (requires libxml)
POSIX Regex - 23 uses
Filter - 2 uses
- class
- class
FTP - 72 uses
- class
- class
(pure and sockets versions) - class
- class
- class
GD - 56 uses
Hash - 6 uses
multiple uses (optional - fallback inwp-includes\compat.php
iconv - 5 uses
- class
(optional) wp_check_invalid_utf8()
- class
JSON - 20 uses
- optional, fallbacks in
- optional, fallbacks in
libxml - 4 uses
- class
(optional) - SimplePie
- class
Multibyte String - 29 uses
- some fallback in
- some fallback in
MySQL - 60 uses
- class
class(overridden with classSimplePie_Cache
- class
OpenSSL - 4 uses
- class
- class
PCRE - 743 uses
SimpleXML - 1 uses
- class
(seems optional)
- class
Sockets - 64 uses
- class
- class
SPL - 3 uses
Tokenizer - 3 uses
XML Parser - 89 uses
XMLReader - 1 uses
- SimplePie (seems optional)
Zlib - 30 uses
Gran recurso.Afortunadamente,lamayoría de lasextensiones ybibliotecas anteriores ahoraestán compiladas deformapredeterminada con PHP 5.2.4 y superior.Great resource. Luckily most of the extensions and libraries above are now compiled by default with PHP 5.2.4 and above.
- 4
- 2012-02-18
- Chris_O
@Chris_O siempre que se sigael valorpredeterminado ... Elequipo central ha dicho varias veces que hay algunas configuraciones de PHPextrañasen lanaturaleza.Lo queme provocóestapreguntaes queel VPS se compróen eltrabajo a unnuevoproveedor de alojamientoe inesperadamentetenía una configuraciónmínima con algunasextensionestípicasfaltantes.Seríamás convenienteproporcionar soporte con dicha lista de verificación deextensiones,luego descubrirlas ypedirles que seinstalen unapor una.@Chris_O as long as default is followed... It's been said several times by core team that there are some weeeeird PHP configurations out there in the wild. What prompted this question from myself is that VPS was purchased at work from new hosting provider and unexpectedly it had very minimal configuration with some typical extensions missing. It would be more convenient to provide support with such check list of extensions, then discover and ask them to be installed one by one.
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- 2012-02-18
- Rarst
¿Qué lib se usapara descomprimirtemas y complementos?Which lib is used to unzip themes and plugins?
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- 2016-11-24
- jgraup
@jgraup ZipArchive o PclZip consulte lasfunciones de descompresión relacionadas http://queryposts.com/?s=unzip_file@jgraup ZipArchive or PclZip see related unzip functions http://queryposts.com/?s=unzip_file
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- 2016-11-24
- Rarst
Nunca dejas de sorprenderme @Rarst ;-)You never cease to amaze me @Rarst ;-)
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- 2016-11-24
- jgraup
Con v4.7 y lanuevaminiatura/vistaprevianativa de PDF,su servidornecesita compatibilidad con Imagick,ImageMagick y Ghostscript.With v4.7 and the new native PDF thumbnail/preview your server needs Imagick, ImageMagick, and Ghostscript support.
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- 2017-03-03
- j08691
Falta laextensión ** ORACLE ** y otrasbases de datos ...Missing **ORACLE** extension and other databases...
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- 2017-03-24
- Please_Dont_Bully_Me_SO_Lords
@EASI hm?WordPressnotiene soportenativoparanadamás que MySQL.@EASI hm? WordPress has no native support for anything but MySQL.
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- 2017-03-24
- Rarst
Probablemente vale lapenamencionar queesasbibliotecas **pueden ser utilizadas **porelnúcleo,pero depende de configuracionesespecíficas y rutas deejecución.porejemplo,espocoprobable que se utilice FTP si utiliza wp-clipara realizar actualizaciones de core yplugins.it is probably worth mentioning that those libraries **might be used** by core, but it depends on specific configurations and execution paths. for example FTP is unlikely to be used if you use wp-cli to make core and plugin updates.
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- 2017-12-07
- Mark Kaplun
- 2012-02-13
La respuestaparaestopuede ser complicada ymuy larga,hasta donde yo sé,también habrá algunas diferenciasentre servidores & amp; SO (IIS,Apache) .. Nopuedo decir que la siguiente lista sea una lista COMPLETA,peroincluye algunos de los que sé que son obligatorios:
Curl y CurlSSL :noestoy seguro de que sea REQUERIDO ,perogranparte del código de WordPress lo usará siestá disponible. Sinembargo,muchos complementos SÍ lo requieren y/otendránfunciones limitadas sin él.
Exif :permite al administrador demedios de WordPressextraer datos Exif sinimágenes.
Gettext : .po .mogestiona lainternacionalización de la localización detraducciones.
FTP : se utilizapara realizar actualizaciones deplugins y WordPress através de FTP.
GD - Nonecesitapresentación,¿verdad?
Iconv : conversiones de conjuntos de caracteresparatodo,desde correo hasta análisis RSS.
Mbregex y Mbstring -elnombreesbastante descriptivo -proporcionanfunciones que se utilizanen todaspartes :-)
Mcrypt :noesnecesariopara wordpress,peromuchos complementos sí lonecesitan.
Mime Magic : obsoleto ahoraen wordpress,pero aúnesbuenotener compatibilidad con versiones anteriores.
* Mysql y Mysql del sistema * :todos sabemos quéesesto ypor quéesnecesario,¿no?
Openssl :estabiblioteca se usaparamanejar conexiones deprocesamiento cifrado con certificados SSLpara WordPresspuede conectarse a cualquier ubicación cifrada SSL (https).
POSIX : se utilizaparagarantizar que WordPressmantiene correctamente lospermisos y lapropiedad de los archivos.
Verificación deinformación de ruta : algunas configuraciones deenlacespermanentes.
Pspell : capacidades de revisión ortográficapara TinyMCE,.
Sockets :gestión de conexiones FTP ygestión de correotambién conocido como SMTP y POPen WordPress.
Zip :noestoy seguro de sies REQUERIDO,peroesta clase deextracción y creación de archivos zip compatiblemultiplataforma será utilizadapor wordpress siestá disponible.
Zlib : se utilizaen muchos casos.ejemplo: compresión de archivosjs y css. denuevo,noestoy seguro si REQUERIDO peronecesario.
Como seindicó anteriormente,estanoes deningunamanera una lista COMPLETA. Se compiló hace aproximadamente un año yesposible quenecesite alguna actualización. Muchas deesasfuncionesno sonexactamente REQUERIDAS sino RECOMENDADAS . Enmuchos casos,wordpress usará unafunción siestá disponible,y sino,ignorará latarea. Unbuenejemploes lafalta debiblioteca GD,no detendráelfuncionamiento de wordpress,perono recortará,redimensionaráni alterará lasimágenes cargadas,dejando asíel original (yen gris la opción "tamaño"en el "insertarimagenparapublicar "función) ..
Comonota almargen,también diría quetal vezestapreguntaprobablemente obtenga respuestasmás correctas/actualizadasen serverfault.com que aquí ...
The answer for this might be complicated and very long, as far as I know, there will also be some differences between servers & OS (IIS, Apache).. I can not say that the following list is a FULL list, but it includes some of those I know that are required :
Curl and CurlSSL – Not sure it is REQUIRED but but much of the WordPress code will use it if it is available. Many plugins however DO require it and/or will have limited functions without it.
Exif – allows media handler of WordPress to pull Exif data out of images.
Gettext - .po .mo handling translation localization internationalization ..
FTP – used to do plugin and WordPress upgrades via FTP.
GD – No need introduction, right ?.
Iconv – character set conversions for everything from mail to RSS parsing.
Mbregex and Mbstring – the name is pretty descriptive - provide functions used all over the place :-)
Mcrypt – Not needed for wordpress, but many plugins do need it.
Mime Magic – Deprecated now in wordpress - but still good to have for back compatibility.
*Mysql and Mysql of the system *– we all know what this is and why it is needed, no ?
Openssl – This library is used to handle processing connections encrypted with SSL certificates for WordPress may to be able to connect to any SSL (https) encrypted location.
POSIX – used to ensure that WordPress properly maintains file permissions and ownerships .
Path Info Check – some permalink setups .
Pspell – spell checking capabilities to TinyMCE, .
Sockets – managing FTP connections and mail handling AKA SMTP and POP in WordPress.
Zip – Not sure if REQUIRED - but this cross-platform compatible zip file creation and extraction class WILL be used by wordpress if available.
Zlib – Used in many cases . example - js and css files compression. again, not sure if REQUIRED but needed.
Like Above stated - this is by no means a FULL list - It was compiled about a year ago - and it might need some update . Many of those functions are not exactly REQUIRED but ADVISED. In many cases wordpress will use a function IF it is available, and if not , will ignore the task. A good example is the lack of GD library, it will not stop wordpress from functioning, but it will not crop, resize , or alter the uploaded images - thus leaving the original (and grey- out the "size" option in the "insert image to post" function)..
As a side note - I would also say that maybe this question will probably get more correct/updated answers on serverfault.com than here ...
¿Por quéno seencuentraen ningunaparte del sitio web de Wordpress?Why is this no where to be found on the Wordpress website?
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- 2017-03-20
- Tadej
- 2013-02-10
( Estonopretende ser una respuesta. Soloinformación útil. Si cree queestainformaciónnoes útil,avíseme,simplemente laeliminaré).
Creo que hablaren términos de paquetes seríamásfácilpara losnovatos,pero dado que lospaquetes varían de un sistema a otro,es difícil abarcarlostodos.
Comotengoexperiencia con Debian (y distribucionesbasadasen Debian),me gustaría compartirestainformaciónespecífica:
- php5-cli
- php5-dev
- php5-fpm
- php5-cgi
- php5-mysql
- php5-xmlrpc
- php5-curl
- php5-gd
- php-apc (noes obligatorio,pero se recomienda)
- php-pear
- php5-imap
- php5-mcrypt
- php5-pspell
Lospaquetes antesmencionadosinstalantodas lasextensiones/bibliotecas/módulosmencionadosen las otras respuestas; todos,excepto Mime Magic,que yanoesnecesariopara WordPress .
Otrabuenaforma de asegurarse de que su servidor sea 100% compatible con WordPresses comprobar con quépaquetes vienenpreinstalados las empresas de alojamiento administrado . Comotienen años deexperiencia con quejas de clientes sobreincompatibilidades,lo sabránmejor.
Enel caso de Hostgator ,losmódulos PHP quepreinstalanincluyen (usted Probablemente solonecesite lamayoría peronotodos):
Media Templeproporciona un
para que compruebes su configuración. Tambiénes útilparafines de comparación.(This is not intended to be an answer. Just some useful information. If you think this info is not useful, let me know, I'll simply delete it.)
I think talking in terms of packages would be easier for newbies, but since packages vary from system to system, it's hard to cover all of them.
As I have experience with Debian (& Debian-based distros), I'd like to share this specific information:
- php5-cli
- php5-dev
- php5-fpm
- php5-cgi
- php5-mysql
- php5-xmlrpc
- php5-curl
- php5-gd
- php-apc (not required, but recommended)
- php-pear
- php5-imap
- php5-mcrypt
- php5-pspell
The aforementioned packages install all the extensions/libraries/modules mentioned in the other answers; all, except Mime Magic, which is no longer required by WordPress.
Another good way to make sure your server is 100% compatible with WordPress is to check what packages the managed hosting companies come pre-installed with. As they have years of experience with customer complaints about incompatibilities, they'll know better.
In case of Hostgator, the PHP modules they pre-install include (you'll probably only need most but not all of them):
Media Temple provides a
file for you to check their config. It's useful for comparison purposes too.-
¿Para quénecesita WPphp5-cli,php5-dev,(php5-fpm &&php5-cgi),php5-pear,php5-imap yphp5-pspell?Suenfoqueparece ser simplementeinstalartodo yes deficiente.Aligual que laidea de que debeimitarentornos de alojamiento compartido sitiene control sobre suinstalación.Además,debeelegir unaforma deejecutar PHP (FastCGI o CGI)perono ambas.What does WP need php5-cli, php5-dev, (php5-fpm && php5-cgi), php5-pear, php5-imap, and php5-pspell for? Your approach seems to be to just install everything and it is a poor one. As is the idea that you should mimic shared hosting environments if you have control over your install. Also, you should choose one way to run PHP (FastCGI or CGI) but not both.
Además de la versión (php5),estaesen realidad lamejor respuesta aquí ... lapreguntano dice "para qué",solo "qué"módulos.¡Votado!Besides the version (php5), this is actually the best answer here .. the question does not state 'what for', just 'which' modules. Voted up!
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- 2018-12-19
- GerardJP
- 2018-01-18
Si desea unaforma sencilla de verificar si su servidor cumple conestos requisitos,ahora hay un útil comandoext de WP-CLI para hacerlo.
wp ext required
muestratodas lasextensiones de PHP necesarias paraejecutar WordPress,mientras quewp ext recommended
muestra las opcionales .wp ext check
es una combinación de ambos comandos.Estos son útiles cuandonecesita unaforma rápida de verificar los requisitos del sistemaen unnuevo servidor y/o si desea seguirprocesandoesta listamedianteprogramación.
Asíes comofunciona
wp ext required
:$ wp ext required +-----------+-----------+ | extension | installed | +-----------+-----------+ | curl | 1 | | date | 1 | | dom | 1 | | filter | 1 | | ftp | 1 | | gd | 1 | | hash | 1 | | iconv | 1 | | json | 1 | | libxml | 1 | | mbstring | 1 | | mysqli | 1 | | openssl | 1 | | pcre | 1 | | posix | 1 | | SimpleXML | 1 | | sockets | 1 | | SPL | 1 | | tokenizer | 1 | | xml | 1 | | xmlreader | 1 | | zlib | 1 | +-----------+-----------+ Success: All required extensions are installed
If you want an easy way to verify if your server meets these requirements, there's now a handy WP-CLI ext command to do so.
wp ext required
shows all PHP extensions necessary to run WordPress, whilewp ext recommended
shows optional ones.wp ext check
is a combination of both commands.These come in handy when you need a quick way to check the system requirements on a new server and/or if you want to further process this list programmatically.
Here's how
wp ext required
works:$ wp ext required +-----------+-----------+ | extension | installed | +-----------+-----------+ | curl | 1 | | date | 1 | | dom | 1 | | filter | 1 | | ftp | 1 | | gd | 1 | | hash | 1 | | iconv | 1 | | json | 1 | | libxml | 1 | | mbstring | 1 | | mysqli | 1 | | openssl | 1 | | pcre | 1 | | posix | 1 | | SimpleXML | 1 | | sockets | 1 | | SPL | 1 | | tokenizer | 1 | | xml | 1 | | xmlreader | 1 | | zlib | 1 | +-----------+-----------+ Success: All required extensions are installed
- 2014-07-10
Siestá usando Debian 7 (Debian Wheezy),necesitainstalar PHP y unapequeña cantidad deextensiones. Lamayorparte de lo que hamencionado @Rarst yaestáincluidoen una de lasinstalaciones PHPmásbásicas de Debian.
Tiene cuatro opcionesen Debian Wheezy: libapache2-mod-php5 , libapache2-mod-php5filter ,php5-cgi o php5-fpm . Elijophp5-fpmperotodo depende de cómo quieras queinteractúentu servidor web y PHP.
Tambiénnecesita PHPpara usar MySQL. Tus opciones son php5-mysql y php5-mysqlnd .php5-mysqlndesnativo ygeneralmentemás rápido. Algunospuedenelegir una alternativa como MariaDB.
Biblioteca degráficos Opcional
Si desea cambiareltamaño de susimágenes,puedeinstalar php5-gd o < a href="https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/php5-imagick" rel="nofollow">php5-imagick .php5-imagick le dará unamejor calidad y Wordpress lo usará siestá disponible. Si ambosestáninstalados,se utilizaráphp5-imagick. Siningunoestáinstalado,lasimágenesno cambiarán detamaño (y Wordpressno se quejará).
HTTP Opcional
Siinstala php5-curl ,se utilizaráperonoesnecesariopara cualquier cosaexcepto quizás unmejor rendimiento.
Wordpress y lamayoría de lasextensionesno requierennadamás,aunque algunasextensionespuedentener otros requisitos.
Aquíestá la línea deinstalaciónbásica completapara darle a Wordpresstodo lo quenecesitapara un rendimiento óptimo ynada quenonecesite:
apt-get install php5-fpm php5-mysqlnd php5-imagick php5-curl
If you're using Debian 7 (Debian Wheezy), you need to install PHP itself and a small number of extensions. Most of what was mentioned by @Rarst is already included with one of Debian's most basic PHP installs.
You have four options in Debian Wheezy: libapache2-mod-php5, libapache2-mod-php5filter, php5-cgi, or php5-fpm. I choose php5-fpm but it all depends on how you want your web server and PHP to interact.
You also need PHP to use MySQL. Your options are php5-mysql and php5-mysqlnd. php5-mysqlnd is native and generally faster. Some might choose an alternative like MariaDB.
Graphics Library Optional
If you want your images resized, you may install either php5-gd or php5-imagick. php5-imagick will give you better quality and Wordpress will use it if it's available. If both are installed, php5-imagick will be used. If neither is installed, images will not be resized (and Wordpress won't complain).
HTTP Optional
If you install php5-curl, it will be used but is not required for anything except perhaps better performance.
Nothing else is required by Wordpress and most extensions, though some extensions may have other requirements.
Here is the complete basic install line to give Wordpress everything it needs for optimal performance and nothing it doesn't:
apt-get install php5-fpm php5-mysqlnd php5-imagick php5-curl
- 2019-06-01
El manual de WordPress ahoraenumera losmódulos PHP recomendados:
Elnúcleo de WordPress utilizaextensiones PHP. Si laextensiónpreferida Falta WordPresstendrá que hacermástrabajopara hacer latarea elmódulo ayuda con o,en elpeor de los casos,eliminará funcionalidad. Por lotanto,lasextensiones de PHP que seenumeran a continuación son recomendado.
- bcmath: se utilizaparamejorarel rendimiento de los cálculosmatemáticos.
- curl: realiza operaciones de solicitud remota.
- exif:funciona conmetadatos almacenadosen imágenes.
- filtro: se utilizaparafiltrar deforma segura laentrada del usuario.
- fileinfo: se utilizapara detectareltipomime de las cargas de archivos
- mod_xml: se utilizaparagenerar XML,comopara unmapa del sitio XML. Tengaen cuenta quemod_xmles unmódulo de Apache,no unaextensión de PHP,peroestá listado para la conciencia.
- mysqli: se conecta a MySQLparainteracciones conbases de datos.
- libsodium:generabytes aleatorios.
- openssl:permite conexionesbasadasen SSL a otros hosts.
- pcre: aumentael rendimiento de la coincidencia depatronesen lasbúsquedas de código.
- imagick:proporciona unamejor calidad deimagenpara las cargas demedios. ¡Vea que WP_Image_Editorestáentrando!para detalles. Cambio detamaño deimagenmásinteligente (para imágenesmáspequeñas) y compatibilidad conminiaturas PDF,cuando Ghost Scripttambién disponible.
- xml: se utilizaparael análisis de XML,como desde un sitio deterceros.
Tambiénenumera las siguientesextensiones PHP como opcionales:
- gd: si Imagicknoestáinstalado,labiblioteca degráficos GD se utiliza como un respaldofuncionalmente limitadopara lamanipulación deimágenes.
- mcrypt:generabytes aleatorios cuando libsodiumnoestá disponible.
- xmlreader: se utilizaparael análisis de XML.
- zlib: compresión y descompresión Gzip.
The WordPress handbook now lists the recommended PHP modules:
WordPress core makes use of PHP extensions. If the preferred extension is missing WordPress will either have to do more work to do the task the module helps with or, in the worst case, will remove functionality. Therefore the PHP extensions listed below are recommended.
- bcmath – Used to improve the performance of math calculations.
- curl – Performs remote request operations.
- exif – Works with metadata stored in images.
- filter – Used for securely filtering user input.
- fileinfo – Used to detect mimetype of file uploads
- mod_xml – Used for generating XML, such as for an XML sitemap. Note that mod_xml is an Apache module, not a PHP extension, but is listed for awareness.
- mysqli – Connects to MySQL for database interactions.
- libsodium – Generates random bytes.
- openssl – Permits SSL-based connections to other hosts.
- pcre – Increases performance of pattern matching in code searches.
- imagick – Provides better image quality for media uploads. See WP_Image_Editor is incoming! for details. Smarter image resizing (for smaller images) and PDF thumbnail support, when Ghost Script is also available.
- xml – Used for XML parsing, such as from a third-party site.
It also lists the following PHP extensions as being optional:
- gd – If Imagick isn’t installed, the GD Graphics Library is used as a functionally limited fallback for image manipulation.
- mcrypt – Generates random bytes when libsodium isn’t available.
- xmlreader – Used for XML parsing.
- zlib – Gzip compression and decompression.
Eh,me pregunto quétiene que ver `mod_xml` contodo,ya queelnúcleonoimplementamapas de sitio XMLni está vinculado aejecutarseen un servidor webespecífico.Huh, I wonder what does `mod_xml` has to do with anything since core neither implements XML sitemaps or tied to running on specific web server.
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- 2019-06-02
- Rarst
- 2019-07-29
Vale lapenamencionar que desde WordPress 5.2,hay unafunciónincorporada queinforma sobre losmódulosfaltantes.Encuéntreloen Herramientas> Estado del sitio.
It's worth mentioning that since WordPress 5.2, there is a built in feature that reports on missing modules. Find it at Tools > Site Health.
- 2017-03-20
Unapequeña "hoja detrucos" alinstalar PHPpara Wordpressen Debian:
0. Agregael repositorio dotdeb
Agregueestas dos líneas a su archivo
:deb http://packages.dotdeb.org jessie all deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org jessie all
Agrega la clave GPG:
wget https://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg sudo apt-key add dotdeb.gpg
Actualice la "lista depaquetes":
sudo apt-get update
1. Instalar PHP 7:
apt-get install php7.0-common libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-cli
Fuente: http://php.net/manual/en/install .unix.debian.php
2. Lista demódulos,que seincluyenen elpaquete "php7.0-common":
/usr/lib/php/20151012/calendar.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/ctype.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/exif.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/fileinfo.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/ftp.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/gettext.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/iconv.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/pdo.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/phar.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/posix.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/shmop.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sockets.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sysvmsg.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sysvsem.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sysvshm.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/tokenizer.so
Fuente: https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/php7.0-common/filelist
3. Parainstalar losmódulos adicionales requeridos/recomendadospor wordpress:
apt-get install php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php7.0-mbstring php7.0-mcrypt php7.0-pspell php7.0-zip
Fuente: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/42141/107878
4. Nopudeencontrar lo siguienteen Debian:
Openssl Path Info Check Zlib
5. "apt-cache searchphp7" devuelve:
php7.0 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) php7.0-apcu - APC User Cache for PHP php7.0-apcu-bc - APCu Backwards Compatibility Module php7.0-bcmath - Bcmath module for PHP php7.0-bz2 - bzip2 module for PHP php7.0-cgi - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) php7.0-cli - command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language php7.0-common - documentation, examples and common module for PHP php7.0-curl - CURL module for PHP php7.0-dba - DBA module for PHP php7.0-dbg - Debug symbols for PHP7.0 php7.0-dev - Files for PHP7.0 module development php7.0-enchant - Enchant module for PHP php7.0-fpm - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) php7.0-gd - GD module for PHP php7.0-geoip - GeoIP module for PHP php7.0-gmp - GMP module for PHP php7.0-igbinary - igbinary serializer for PHP php7.0-imagick - Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library php7.0-imap - IMAP module for PHP php7.0-interbase - Interbase module for PHP php7.0-intl - Internationalisation module for PHP php7.0-json - JSON module for PHP php7.0-ldap - LDAP module for PHP php7.0-mbstring - MBSTRING module for PHP php7.0-mcrypt - libmcrypt module for PHP php7.0-memcached - memcached extension module for PHP, uses libmemcached php7.0-mongodb - MongoDB driver for PHP php7.0-msgpack - MessagePack serializer for PHP php7.0-mysql - MySQL module for PHP php7.0-odbc - ODBC module for PHP php7.0-opcache - Zend OpCache module for PHP php7.0-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for PHP php7.0-phpdbg - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary) php7.0-pspell - pspell module for PHP php7.0-readline - readline module for PHP php7.0-recode - recode module for PHP php7.0-redis - PHP extension for interfacing with Redis php7.0-snmp - SNMP module for PHP php7.0-soap - SOAP module for PHP php7.0-sqlite3 - SQLite3 module for PHP php7.0-ssh2 - Bindings for the libssh2 library php7.0-sybase - Sybase module for PHP php7.0-tidy - tidy module for PHP php7.0-xdebug - Xdebug Module for PHP php7.0-xml - DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP php7.0-xmlrpc - XMLRPC-EPI module for PHP php7.0-xsl - XSL module for PHP (dummy) php7.0-zip - Zip module for PHP
Referencia: https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/php7 .0
A small "cheatsheet" when installing PHP for Wordpress on Debian:
0. Add the dotdeb repository
Add these two lines to your
file:deb http://packages.dotdeb.org jessie all deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org jessie all
Add the GPG key:
wget https://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg sudo apt-key add dotdeb.gpg
Update the "package list":
sudo apt-get update
1. Install PHP 7:
apt-get install php7.0-common libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-cli
Source: http://php.net/manual/en/install.unix.debian.php
2. List of modules, which are included in the "php7.0-common" package:
/usr/lib/php/20151012/calendar.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/ctype.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/exif.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/fileinfo.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/ftp.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/gettext.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/iconv.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/pdo.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/phar.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/posix.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/shmop.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sockets.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sysvmsg.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sysvsem.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/sysvshm.so /usr/lib/php/20151012/tokenizer.so
Source: https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/php7.0-common/filelist
3. To install the additional modules which are required/recommended by wordpress:
apt-get install php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php7.0-mbstring php7.0-mcrypt php7.0-pspell php7.0-zip
Source: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/42141/107878
4. I couldn't find the following on debian:
Openssl Path Info Check Zlib
5. "apt-cache search php7" returns:
php7.0 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) php7.0-apcu - APC User Cache for PHP php7.0-apcu-bc - APCu Backwards Compatibility Module php7.0-bcmath - Bcmath module for PHP php7.0-bz2 - bzip2 module for PHP php7.0-cgi - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) php7.0-cli - command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language php7.0-common - documentation, examples and common module for PHP php7.0-curl - CURL module for PHP php7.0-dba - DBA module for PHP php7.0-dbg - Debug symbols for PHP7.0 php7.0-dev - Files for PHP7.0 module development php7.0-enchant - Enchant module for PHP php7.0-fpm - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) php7.0-gd - GD module for PHP php7.0-geoip - GeoIP module for PHP php7.0-gmp - GMP module for PHP php7.0-igbinary - igbinary serializer for PHP php7.0-imagick - Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library php7.0-imap - IMAP module for PHP php7.0-interbase - Interbase module for PHP php7.0-intl - Internationalisation module for PHP php7.0-json - JSON module for PHP php7.0-ldap - LDAP module for PHP php7.0-mbstring - MBSTRING module for PHP php7.0-mcrypt - libmcrypt module for PHP php7.0-memcached - memcached extension module for PHP, uses libmemcached php7.0-mongodb - MongoDB driver for PHP php7.0-msgpack - MessagePack serializer for PHP php7.0-mysql - MySQL module for PHP php7.0-odbc - ODBC module for PHP php7.0-opcache - Zend OpCache module for PHP php7.0-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for PHP php7.0-phpdbg - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary) php7.0-pspell - pspell module for PHP php7.0-readline - readline module for PHP php7.0-recode - recode module for PHP php7.0-redis - PHP extension for interfacing with Redis php7.0-snmp - SNMP module for PHP php7.0-soap - SOAP module for PHP php7.0-sqlite3 - SQLite3 module for PHP php7.0-ssh2 - Bindings for the libssh2 library php7.0-sybase - Sybase module for PHP php7.0-tidy - tidy module for PHP php7.0-xdebug - Xdebug Module for PHP php7.0-xml - DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP php7.0-xmlrpc - XMLRPC-EPI module for PHP php7.0-xsl - XSL module for PHP (dummy) php7.0-zip - Zip module for PHP
- 2012-02-13
necesitas lasextensionesmysqli,pdo ygd.ya veces xml-rpc.
Heestadoejecutando WP con laextensiónnativamysqlndpor untiempo,esbastantebueno.Tieneelementos de reflexiónintegrados,por lo que si desea ver quéestá sucediendo con labase de datosen esa solicitudespecífica,puede hacerlo.
zip comoextensiónnoesnecesario,lamayoría de losprogramas llaman alejecutable zip del sistema.
you need the mysqli, pdo, and gd extensions. and sometimes xml-rpc.
I've been running WP with the mysqlnd native extension for a while now, it's pretty neat. Has reflection stuff built in, so if you want to see what's going on with the db in that specific request, you can do it.
zip as an extension is not needed, most programs call the system zip executable.
WPno usa la capa PDO.Probablemente haya complementos que lepermitan haceresto,pero la API de labase de datos de WPtodavíaes de la antigüedad de PHP ...WP doesn't use the PDO layer. There are probably plugins that enable you to do this, but WP's database API is still from the ancient times of PHP...
- 2
- 2012-02-13
- onetrickpony
- 2020-02-06
Oficialmente, WordPress.org dice que solo se requieren las siguientesextensiones de PHP apartir de WP Core 5.3+ y cuando se usa la versión recomendada de PHP,que actualmentees PHP 7.2:
curl -- Performs remote request operations. dom -- Used to validate Text Widget content and to automatically configuring IIS7+. exif -- Works with metadata stored in images. fileinfo -- Used to detect mimetype of file uploads. hash -- Used for hashing, including passwords and update packages. json -- Used for communications with other servers. mbstring -- Used to properly handle UTF8 text. mysqli -- Connects to MySQL for database interactions. libsodium -- Validates Signatures and provides securely random bytes. openssl -- Permits SSL-based connections to other hosts. pcre -- Increases performance of pattern matching in code searches. imagick -- Provides better image quality for media uploads. See WP_Image_Editor is incoming! for details. Smarter image resizing (for smaller images) and PDF thumbnail support, when Ghost Script is also available. xml -- Used for XML parsing, such as from a third-party site. zip -- Used for decompressing Plugins, Themes, and WordPress update packages.
...perotambién recomiendan las siguientesextensiones opcionales:
Filtrofilter -- Used for securely filtering user input. gd -- If Imagick isn’t installed, the GD Graphics Library is used as a functionally limited fallback for image manipulation. iconv -- Used to convert between character sets. mcrypt -- Generates random bytes when libsodium and /dev/urandom aren’t available. simplexml -- Used for XML parsing. xmlreader -- Used for XML parsing. zlib -- Gzip compression and decompression.
Sinembargo,tengaen cuenta que algunas deestasextensiones obligatorias (u opcionales) yaestánincluidasen otrospaquetes PHP. Porejemplo,
amenudo seincluyeen laextensiónxml
. Y otros comofileinfo
probablemente yaesténinstalados comoparte de unpaquete llamadophp-common
siestá utilizando Ubuntu,etc.Además,hay algunas otrasextensiones como
queno son oficialmente requeridasni recomendadaspor WordPresspero quetodavía son utilizadaspormuchos complementospopulares,como Yoast SEO.Puede seguirnuestra lista deextensiones PHP de WordPress en LittleBizzy siinteresado.
Officially, WordPress.org says that only the following PHP extensions are required as of WP Core 5.3+ and when using the recommended version of PHP, which is currently PHP 7.2:
curl -- Performs remote request operations. dom -- Used to validate Text Widget content and to automatically configuring IIS7+. exif -- Works with metadata stored in images. fileinfo -- Used to detect mimetype of file uploads. hash -- Used for hashing, including passwords and update packages. json -- Used for communications with other servers. mbstring -- Used to properly handle UTF8 text. mysqli -- Connects to MySQL for database interactions. libsodium -- Validates Signatures and provides securely random bytes. openssl -- Permits SSL-based connections to other hosts. pcre -- Increases performance of pattern matching in code searches. imagick -- Provides better image quality for media uploads. See WP_Image_Editor is incoming! for details. Smarter image resizing (for smaller images) and PDF thumbnail support, when Ghost Script is also available. xml -- Used for XML parsing, such as from a third-party site. zip -- Used for decompressing Plugins, Themes, and WordPress update packages.
...but they also recommend the following optional extensions:
filter -- Used for securely filtering user input. gd -- If Imagick isn’t installed, the GD Graphics Library is used as a functionally limited fallback for image manipulation. iconv -- Used to convert between character sets. mcrypt -- Generates random bytes when libsodium and /dev/urandom aren’t available. simplexml -- Used for XML parsing. xmlreader -- Used for XML parsing. zlib -- Gzip compression and decompression.
Keep in mind, however, that some of these required (or optional) extensions are already bundled into other PHP packages. For example,
is often included in thexml
extension. And others likefileinfo
are probably already installed as part of a so-calledphp-common
package if you are using Ubuntu, etc.In addition, there are a few other extensions such as
that are not officially required or recommended by WordPress but are still used by many popular plugins, like Yoast SEO.You can follow our list of WordPress PHP extensions over at LittleBizzy if interested.
Codex solomenciona la versión de PHPen los requisitos del servidor ,sinembargo,PHP sepuede configuraren un rangobastante amplio deexclusión/inclusión de diferentespartes.
¿Qué son lasextensiones/bibliotecas que: