¿Cómo puedo acceder a la "descripción" de un elemento del menú?
¿Por quéno usaelextracto de lapágina?Why don’t you use the page excerpt?
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- 2013-01-06
- fuxia
porquetambiénnecesito usarloen elmenú,cuando se llama a wp_nav_menu.Tengo un andadorpersonalizado.because I need to use it in the menu as well, when wp_nav_menu is called. I have a custom walker.
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- 2013-01-06
- Claire
@toscho Resulta quenecesito usarelextracto deesto ahora.¿Podríaechar un vistazo a [estapregunta] (http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/78723/how-to-get-the-excerpt-in-nav-menu-walker)porfavor?@toscho As it turns out I need to use the excerpt this now. Could you take a look at [this question](http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/78723/how-to-get-the-excerpt-in-nav-menu-walker) please?
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- 2013-01-08
- Claire
2 respuestas
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- 2013-01-06
Nome gusta laidea de volver a analizar loselementos delmenú. Como solución alternativa,sugiero almacenar la descripción durante laprimeraejecución:
add_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'wpse_78483_get_current_items_description', 10, 2 ); /** * Get nav items description. * * @wp-hook walker_nav_menu_start_el * @param string $item_output * @param object $item * @return string */ function wpse_78483_get_current_items_description( $item_output = NULL, $item = NULL ) { static $desc = ''; // The function is NOT called during nav menu rendering, but later. if ( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el' !== current_filter() ) return $desc; // The function is called during wp_nav_menu(). // description is set if ( ! empty ( $item->description ) // and an URL is available and ! empty ( $item->url ) // and it is the current page and parse_url( $item->url, PHP_URL_PATH ) === $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) { // copy the description into our static internal variable $desc = $item->description; // remove this filter, it is not needed anymore remove_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', __FUNCTION__ ); } // return unchanged item markup return $item_output; }
Lafunción hace dos cosas:
- Actúa como unfiltro llamado dentro de
. Aquí,se llama hasta que llega a lapágina actual. Luego,la descripción se almacenainternamenteen$desc
. - Actúa como un captador de la descripción: si llama aestafunción sinelparámetro después de que se haya renderizadoelmenú denavegación,obtendráel valor de la descripción,siexiste.
La desventajaes quenofuncionaríapara una llamada almenú demasiadotarde,porejemplo,en unpie depágina.
La ventaja: ahorrastiempo.Puede obtener la descripciónmás adelanteen cualquiermomento llamando a lafunción sin unparámetro:
print wpse_78483_get_current_items_description();
Como seguimiento,aquí hay una segundaforma de usarlo:
$desc = wpse_78483_get_current_items_description(); if ( empty ( $desc ) ) { the_excerpt(); } else { print wpautop( $desc ); }
Consejo adicional:puede habilitarel cuadro deleditor deextractospara laspáginas:
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'wpse_78483_page_excerpt' ); function wpse_78483_page_excerpt() { add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' ); }
I don’t like the idea to parse the menu items again. As an alternative solution I suggest to store the description during the first run:
add_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'wpse_78483_get_current_items_description', 10, 2 ); /** * Get nav items description. * * @wp-hook walker_nav_menu_start_el * @param string $item_output * @param object $item * @return string */ function wpse_78483_get_current_items_description( $item_output = NULL, $item = NULL ) { static $desc = ''; // The function is NOT called during nav menu rendering, but later. if ( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el' !== current_filter() ) return $desc; // The function is called during wp_nav_menu(). // description is set if ( ! empty ( $item->description ) // and an URL is available and ! empty ( $item->url ) // and it is the current page and parse_url( $item->url, PHP_URL_PATH ) === $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) { // copy the description into our static internal variable $desc = $item->description; // remove this filter, it is not needed anymore remove_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', __FUNCTION__ ); } // return unchanged item markup return $item_output; }
The function does two things:
- It acts as a filter called inside of
. Here, it is called until it hits the current page. Then the description is stored internally in$desc
. - It acts as a getter for the description: If you call this function without parameter after the navigation menu has been rendered you get the value of the description, if there is one.
The downside is: it would not work for a menu call too late, in a footer for example.
The advantage: you save time.You can get the description later any time by calling the function without a parameter:
print wpse_78483_get_current_items_description();
As a follow-up, here is a second way to use it:
$desc = wpse_78483_get_current_items_description(); if ( empty ( $desc ) ) { the_excerpt(); } else { print wpautop( $desc ); }
Extra tip: You can enable the excerpt editor box for pages:
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'wpse_78483_page_excerpt' ); function wpse_78483_page_excerpt() { add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' ); }
gracias.Realmentenoentiendo cómofunciona,pero ¡gracias!thank you. I don't really understand how it works but it does so thanks!
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- 2013-01-06
- Claire
@Nicola Lo siento,tienes razón.Hice una actualización con unamejorexplicación y documentosen línea.@Nicola Sorry, you are right. I have made an update with a better explanation and inline docs.
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- 2013-01-06
- fuxia
gracias,actualicémi preguntaparamostrar que quiero quetodas laspáginas almaceneneltexto alternativoen unextractothanks, I updated my question to show that I want all pages to store the alt text in excerpt
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- 2013-01-08
- Claire
- 2013-01-06
Encontré la respuestaen un sitio web almacenadoen caché de Google.
Entonces,para acceder a la descripción delelemento denavegación de lapágina actual,simplemente llame a lafunción
echo wps_get_menu_description()
function wps_get_menu_description( ) { global $post; // Default $defaults = array( 'echo' => false, 'format' => '', 'description' => '', 'location' => 'primary', 'classes' => 'post-description' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); extract( $args , EXTR_SKIP ); // Get menu $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); $nav_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_locations[ $location ] ); // Cycle through nav items foreach ( $nav_items as $nav_item ) { if ( ( is_page() || is_single() || is_archive() ) && ( $nav_item->object_id == $post->ID ) ) { $description = $nav_item->description; } } $output = $description; return $output; }
Found the answer on a google cached website.
So to access the current page's navigation item description - just call the function
echo wps_get_menu_description()
function wps_get_menu_description( ) { global $post; // Default $defaults = array( 'echo' => false, 'format' => '', 'description' => '', 'location' => 'primary', 'classes' => 'post-description' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); extract( $args , EXTR_SKIP ); // Get menu $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); $nav_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_locations[ $location ] ); // Cycle through nav items foreach ( $nav_items as $nav_item ) { if ( ( is_page() || is_single() || is_archive() ) && ( $nav_item->object_id == $post->ID ) ) { $description = $nav_item->description; } } $output = $description; return $output; }
Dondepuede agregar sumenúen bajo apariencia>menús,tengo descripcionesen. Enmi página,quieropoder repetiresa descripción. Noen elmenú,sinoen mipágina. ¿Cómopuedo acceder aestainformación?
¿Cómoeditomi andadorpersonalizado? ¿El objeto $item tiene acceso alextracto de lapágina?